Friday, November 9, 2012


It is important that our children know how to pray, I believe that prayer is very important, and yet we all need to have an open group in our community for mutual prayers.  Adults need to show their kids and teach them how to pray real honestly. We need to show how prayer works. I found out that there are kids in school that don’t know how to pray or what prayer really means. It takes an adult to coach children how to learn how to pray.

What can prayer do for all of us?

We can reach so many people with our prayers, just by telling them how prayer works and how it helped all of us. Prayer can bring many good things. We also need too trust in ourselves and show kids when we trust what Jesus gave us; which is in our Bibles, we reach the goal through our prayers, and we learn more about God.

The Bible tells how we can go and pray and teach our friends and tell them about all the good things God has done in our hearts and in our minds; that´s where prayer steps in. We can teach them that when we pray for different things which happened, or if we pray for someone that is not well, then we go too our heart and pray about stuff these issues.

We can show every child how one should pray. Once the children know how to pray they can teach their friends to do the same. I find it wonderful when a kid tells his friends about this and how it works; once they know how to do it themselves.
It is our jobs to pray and to show all the kids how to  pray as well. We need to teach them how prayer really can work in other people lives. We can show them that if we bring the important things in our life to Christ, this is how God can turn all things around. God answers prayers and we need to bring our issues to Him so He can change it; this we need to teach the children.
Children need to know that they can show their friends how to pray and how prayer helps in their hearts and minds. Prayer calms them down and brings confidence. They can teach their friends that prayer works and the more they pray for others, the more there friends will learn it as well.

Sometimes there are family members or friends that are sick. We can pray for them. Sometimes we face difficult times, we can pray for it.
My mom and I help kids that don’t know how to pray and they don’t know how it works, so we as Christian leaders should show them how to pray; this is what Jesus taught his disciples. I believe that we as a community need to give our kids an opportunity to learn and to grow more in prayers and guide them through it.  Teaching them when we pray for our friends to get better; that’s how prayer works in all of us and in all that we do. When we have something in our hearts that is bugging us, prayer comes in our mind and that’s how we grow in Christ through prayer. I think that in many areas, in many countries are kids out there that never heard how prayer works. Kids need to learn also how to use their Bibles.
It is our job as Christian to teach them how to read their Bible and how to pray for things there that are really important. I believe this is what it means to go and make disciple like Jesus said.
Children need to know the things they can pray for, is like if they have a friend that is sick. We can teach them and show them that prayer can make their friend better; because God answers our prayers.

If we don’t do teach others, how can Christ use us to bring others closer to Him? We keep telling our children about prayer and that prayers can bring good things into our hearts and minds; and if they tell a friend and say hey yes prayer does help. This is how we teach them to disciple their friends.
Through all this maybe one of their friends will come to Christ, if we keep on showing kids around the world how important it is to pray.  We can show them what prayer can do for them, and in their heart and in their minds how Christ can use them to reach their friends too. They can show their friends how to pray as they learned it. Just like Christ shows us how we are suppose to show others that he loves each and every one of us. Christ challenged and taught us, He challenges kids and teach them too. Jesus teaches them how to pray and how one of them should pray. Jesus teaches every child what prayer does for them when they pray. Prayers make their mind stronger, and kids can learn to grow stronger through their prayers.